How to become Supply Chain Digital Nomad

6 min read

Do you know the term “ Digital Nomad ”? You’ve probably heard it before, or seen it on dreamy Instagram posts. The principle is simple: to be able to work remotely thanks to your computer (and a good connection), and therefore be able to be mobile. While many of you may think that being Digital Nomad is a job, I would answer: no, it is a lifestyle.

virtual supply chain manager

Digital Nomad, what is it?

The term Digital Nomad defines people who travel often and can work from their computer thanks to a good WiFi connection. Being able to discover the world, while ensuring a salary thanks to remote work, is the dream of all travelers.

Today, we have a growth of homeworking due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the lock-down required in March 2020 around the world. Being able to work remotely no longer means changing countries frequently, but mostly being independent of one’s location.

Indeed, being able to work from home makes life easier for many of us. No matter what your lifestyle, everyone will find benefits such as:

  • Avoid wasting time in transportations 
  • Manage your family life more easily 
  • Work from wherever you like

I have opted for this lifestyle myself, not in order to travel the world but rather in order to be able to manage my time as I wish. I organize my days according to my work and my appointments while alternating my job and my hobbies.

Opportunities with the Coronavirus and Supply Chain

Your professional daily life must have changed recently because of the lock-down (you are probably reading this article with your slippers on, right ?).

Indeed, small and large companies have had to reorganize themselves in order to continue their activity, by setting up teleworking for their employees.

In the field of Supply Chain and Logistics, adapting is not that easy. Respecting sanitary rules and safety distances implies a major change in procedures, and consequently impacts productivity.

In order to avoid closure, every business must find solutions to keep operating, putting everyone’s safety first. This is why the automation processes are bound to develop more and more, in ways to limit the impact of a second lock-down, for example.

Supply Chain Management jobs will evolve, which is why you must now think about how to adapt your work to the current situation. Indeed, opportunities emerge and it is up to you to identify them.

What are the opportunities for becoming a Supply Chain Digital Nomad?

1) Quality of life

Being able to work from home, or actually from wherever you want, is a luxury. No more wasting hours in traffic or in traffic, you can manage your time and simply save it!

2) Location Independent

voyage supply chain manager

Who says teleworking, says geographic freedom. For those who wish to go on an adventure, I recommend Nomad List to find the best destinations.

3) Appeal of the experts

Some aspects that were once left out, such as quality and safety, are now highlighted. And therefore they will have the freedom to work for the companies they want for very attractive salaries.

4) Consulting and Coaching

It is no longer necessary to be in clients’ offices or warehouses to provide services. It is possible to work remotely, with clients all over the world.

For example, I have been working 100% online for 2 years now. My main trips back then were only to attend conferences that were quickly replaced by webinars.

It allows me to live and work from where I want.
(Personally, I like the proximity to the sea and the sun 😎)

5) New tools and softwares

All the changes mentioned above will require the implementation of new tools and software to work more efficiently and automatically remotely:

  • ERP
  • WMS
  • TMS
  • BI
  • Project management software
  • etc …

Experts who will master and implement these new softwares will have a lot of opportunities.

Of course, there is no perfect situation. A radical change in our way of life can have negative impacts. Here are just a few:

  • Change in working habits
  • More software, fewer employees and managers
  • Less job security
  • International competition

It’s up to you to turn these negatives into positives.

How to become Supply Chain Digital Nomad? 

I have identified 3 essential pillars in order to become a Supply Chain Digital Nomad.

1. Develop strategic expertise

In Supply Chain, you have several players. We can divide them into 3 categories:

  • Logistics / transport
  • Demand / planning
  • Information / Customer service / Finance


Depending on the position you hold or have held, you may choose one of these areas to make it your area of ​​expertise. In this article, you will find more details on the professions of the Supply Chain.

2. Soft skills VS hard skills

Having technical skills in the field of Supply Chain and Logistics is essential. Whether it is through your studies and diplomas, or through the experience acquired during your professional career, it is necessary to know your profession well, but not only! As a matter of fact, your interpersonal skills play an essential role in your development. Communication, stress management, flexibility, … these skills are just as important as your know-how.

3. Finding clients

If you have already acquired the first two pillars, you will have to develop the third one but not the least: finding clients to sell your services.

Once you have defined your area of ​​expertise in Supply Chain and Logistics, you can prospect in this direction in order to find your first customers.

Your diplomas and professional experiences will help you build an attractive profile however, the satisfaction of your first customers will be your major asset in order to grow your business! Whether through recommendations, networking or testimonials, they will be decisive for your future as a Nomad Digital Supply Chain.

Become as well Supply Chain Digital Nomad

Do you want to develop your skills and adapt to become a Supply Chain Digital Nomad?

After 15 years of experience in Supply Chain supporting ambitious professionals to boost their skills and career, I became a Supply Chain Digital Nomad 3 years ago.

I have developed a complete method to boost your expertise and become a Nomad Digital Supply Chain too.

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