-A key indicator that shows the degradation of global supply chain performance.
-Why your goals are not well defined.
-The two reasons that lead professionals to be reactive and work "like firefighters".
-The mistake that SMEs make who do not yet have a mature supply chain
-The trap that large companies very often fall into (I call it the "expert syndrome")
-A simple method to be sure to have the right number of indicators or KPIs.
-Why you are always overwhelmed (it's not just a "time" problem)
-The "performance triangle" strategy for having a profitable supply chain (examples from Apple and Amazon)
-Why supply chain performance management isn't that complicated.
-5 very simple steps to drive your supply chain performance, even if you're starting from scratch.
-The two mistakes not to make if you want to automate your reporting.
-A tip to stop working manually (and avoid wasting a fortune on IT development projects).
-4 dashboards that changed my life (and how you can change yours too).
I unveil my new Excel dashboards and my exclusive KPIs benchmark 🤫
Your Instructor & Founder of AbcSupplyChain
I have been confronted with the challenges of Supply Chain Performance Management for 15 years.
I have held Supply Chain Manager, S&OP Manager, and Supply Chain Director positions in France, Malaysia, Brazil, Australia and Portugal.
In sectors such as manufacturing, mass distribution and consumer products.
Mastering this strategic skill has allowed me to make better decisions, perform better than most of my colleagues, and have more opportunities in my career.