Download my free new excel, with real business data
Transform tables to the right format
Clean unreliable data from a famous ERP in 5 seconds
Consolidate, clean, merge and update 4 Excel files without any macros or coding using Power Query
Do calculations without formulas
Creating a cool map with your KPIs
Create pivot tables from 3 files in 1 click
With Edouard Thieuleux, Excel & Data Expert
Your Instructor & Founder of AbcSupplyChain
n every company, every job in my career, my Excel skills made the difference immediately.
The Excel tools, reports and templates I developed allowed me to :
Find an internship in Malaysia
Be expatriate in Brazil by Decathlon
Get a visa in Australia (I started with a 48h contract only where I was doing Excel Macros)
Get more responsibilities on managerial positions, then director
It took me over 15 years of browsing blogs and YouTube videos to really become an Expert with Excel.
I sorted out what is useful and what is not and I’ve developed a comprehensive method with real-world examples to develop your expertise in less than 12 hours of training.
With this training, I reveal all my Excel techniques and tricks to get you in the top 1% of performers and boost your career.
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